The Nightmare Called Electronic Filing

Electronic filing, or for that matter, any filing has become an exercise in how to get through a corn maze. Out of the 88 counties in the state, the many government agencies and the federal courts, electronic filing has become a nightmare. I suspect that many of the...

The Arbitration Scam

How can a large corporation which defrauds, cheats, and steals from people avoid getting sued in court? It sticks a clause into the “agreement” that any dispute has to be arbitrated. The 5 foot long tape at the cell phone store has that clause. You sign for the...

What Are the Best Courts in Ohio?

A recent case decided by the Ohio Supreme Court caught my eye. In Hoyle v. DTJ Enterprises, Inc. 2015-Ohio-843 the issue was insurance coverage, and who contributes to Supreme Court races. Hoyle fell from a ladder jack and was seriously injured. He sued his employer...

The Problem with The Death Penalty

In the abstract most people favor the death penalty. Everyone can remember or imagine a homicide where the perpetrator deserved or deserves to die. The issue is not, however, abstract; the issue is the practice. The problem with the death penalty is the criminal...